Doggie dreams come true
Hello I’m Milo and I just want to say an enormous thank you to all the kind people who made our dream come true.
A year ago I was just existing with my best buddy, Jack, in a broken down old box inside another grey box. We tried to keep our poo and pee in but when we were bursting we would try and aim at the grey bars away from the water bucket and the other bucket which the big scary man threw down at us when he bothered to turn up.
When we got really hungry we ate from the bucket – better than the stones that some of the other street dogs told us about – but we didn’t know any differently. We’d been in this noisy scary place since we can ever remember.
The older dogs, who remembered the day we arrived as tiny abandoned puppies, told us we’d been lucky. They knew of so many other puppies who were tied up in plastic bags and dumped with the garbage or of others who had eaten sausages and had died writhing in agony.
But Jack and I didn’t feel very lucky. In fact if it hadn’t been for Jack I would have died of boredom. Or I would have turned and turned in circles until I went mad.
Most days it was so hot in the box but if we went near the bars the sun shone straight in our eyes and it was even hotter.
The only real ray of sunshine came sometimes, and we got really excited, when we heard the sound of an old car. Out would spill four lovely ladies and a little boy. They would take us out of the scary place with the smell which was embedded deep in our bones and we would walk on rough tracks to say hello to the sheep and goats who lived nearby.
These days were a little bit of Heaven. The ladies sometimes brought other ladies, and even more of us escaped the noise and smell – but we couldn’t always understand what they were saying. The older dogs explained – they were friends from far away places who had come to find homes for the puppies.
Lucky puppies. We were puppies once but nobody wanted us. And so we dreamed of being puppies again and someone very kind taking as away from the hell hole we found ourselves living in through three freezing winters and three boiling summers.
Sometimes the bark would go around that one of the old-timers had got lucky. We watched as charmer Alfie and Princess Irina and many colorful friends escaped our living hell.
We listened to the ladies talking about our friends’ wonderful new lives in funny sounding places. But by now Jack and I had lost our sparkle. We’d lost the will to live and had become the forgotten Ghost Dogs of the Shelter.
Then one day a miracle happened! Four new ladies took us for a walk and stroked our heads and with their smiling faces made lots of warm funny noises which the old timers told us were good noises.
The next bit of our story is super scary and poor Jack was totally traumatized but finally our dream came true! We went together in big box, like our old box but with a lovely smell, across the sea, up in the air, on a very, very long road, across even more sea then even more road and are now in something called a home and it has this thing called a garden where you can wee and pee anywhere you like!
And you can even sniff out all the nice smells of some of our Greek doggie friends who have obviously passed through here before us. And you can listen to birds singing. It’s WONDERFUL!
Can you believe I’ve picked out the scent of our old shelter mates: Roger, Ruby, Hollie, Perla, Sunny, Alfie, Buddy, Star, Faith and Mila ……….this is the best thing ever!!!!
Poor Jack was still trying to work out how to dig his way back to Lemnos. But I told him it would get better – it was just lots of new noises scaring him and the endless doors, gates and shiny floors.
He had some big cuddles with the new lady looking after us – I saw him push his head close to hers so I don’t think he’s afraid of her – he’s just a bit confused.
I heard the new lady on the phone asking someone to come and make the fence even higher! Don’t think she should have worried too much his legs are so short……but oh can he run! I never saw that before!
Anyway, just to say – we are doing great! We do miss all the ladies at the shelter, and especially the little one with the big smile and long dark hair who was always so kind. I think she must have something to do with this new place we are living.
So we’d like to say an enormous thank you. We can’t believe our luck. Well I can – Jack will soon!
Love to everyone who got us here. You’re all amazing.
With love Milo and Jack ❤️❤️
PS – If you know anyone who would like to help Ghost Dogs, like we once were, please get them to check out 1000s of adoptable dogs here on our Starlight Barking website: