Emma’s not only sweet and beautiful, she’s also intelligent and has a charming, mature character!
Poor sweet Emma has had a really tough start in life. Despite her young age, she has already been abandoned several times. She was first found by a local couple when she was just a puppy. They decided to keep her, but her existence with them was miserable. Their initial intentions might have been good, but they just kept her on a long chain on their farm.
In December, they brought her to our shelter, having decided to leave the island – and that there was no space for Emma in their new life.
So now we’re going to find this deserving girl a family that will adore her forever! Emma has a charming personality and is mature for her age – about 1.5 years. She weighs just 20 kilos, and is a super loving girl that loves human company. With her calm personality, we believe she can also live in a home with slightly older children.
Despite not having met so many other dogs in her life, she quickly got used to the other dogs and happily plays with them when given the opportunity. The really big dogs scare her though, so she will need guidance if she is going to meet bigger dogs.
She is an intelligent girl and learns really quickly. Emma thinks that the shelter’s cats are very strange creatures and that it is better to chase them than to befriend them, so she probably shouldn’t live with a cat.
Emma looks incredibly like Ramón (who now is adopted localy on the island), so we wonder if she is his older sister? They are similar both in appearance and character – and they like each other a lot!
Emma has a medium activity level and can probably thrive both in an urban environment and in the countryside, as long as she gets an adequate dose of physical and mental exercise.
Even though Emma is 1.5 years old, she has never lived indoors, so basic training about what’s expected of a dog living as a family member needs to start from the beginning.