Renata and her two brothers recently made their way to the local military base, where they got food and shelter until we collected them. As usual, we know nothing about their lives before arriving at the base, but with us, they have met dogs, cats and volunteers without any issues.
Renata is the most cautious of the small gang while Ragnar is most forward, and Ray is somewhere in between. They are all cuddly when they know you, but Ray and Renata need to slowly get to know new people whereas Ragnar can crawl onto your lap for a snuggle almost instantly!
At approximately 1 year old, they look like little hunting dog mixes, weighing no more than 8-9 kg each and with rather short legs.
We think they would thrive best in homes located in calmer areas outside of the city, preferably in houses with their own fenced gardens. Any children in their future homes should be a little older, calm and brought up to respect dogs. As we know nothing of their past, we’ve no idea if they’ve ever lived in a house before, so their future families need to be prepared to start all training from the beginning as if they were little puppies. But they are completely adorable and we’re sure they’ll soon find their perfect families who are more than willing to put in the work to help them become the wonderful dogs we know they can be.