Sting was born in July 2016. He weighs approx 32kg making him a larger sized dog.
He is a beautiful hound mix with a striking black and white specked coat. He has black ears with mottled markings on his face.
He does love to run and play with Lucy and when he’s alone he will seek human company. He enjoys a fuss but is not overly cuddly. He is a little shy and will stay in the back ground allowing others to have attention first. In a quiet, loving home he will come out of his shell and be a loyal companion.
He gets on with most of the dogs at the shelter and is gaining confidence when out walking.
His siblings are Dorris, Charlie, (both adopted) and Luna, Dotty and Bobby. His mum is Beatrice (adopted)
Please consider this special boy as 6 years is a long time to live in a shelter.
Thank you for reading.
All enquiries to C4GP at